I have shared Opinion of Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi in Urdu, which can be read HERE. Let me translate His opinion in English, which He expressed in his book, Mohazirat Hadeeth, p. 63-64

He writes

Allah put that in heart of A’rabs, and in My opinion it was for the reason to save; that They wrote and saved the lineage of their tribes and groups. I’lm-ul-Ansaab was a proper branch of Knowledge for them. There were numerous books present even today. They wrote books on this topic that what was the lineage of A’rab tribes? Who was son of whom? Grand son of whom? Grandfather of whom? Who married in which area? What was the number of children of someone? Which tribes were related to each other? Plenty of books are present even today which people wrote time to time……

When We review these books, and read them, a strange fact comes forward, very strange, so strange that it cannot be called mere coincidence; and that is, that all the information which has been saved, it circles around Holy Prophet’s (asws) Personality. Though when People started gathering these, He was not even born….

From Him till his 35th-40th Ancestor A’dnan, everything is saved. Who were His grand Mothers, Autns, You will find everything in books of Ansaab…….

Its not saved about Abu Bakar, Umar, Abu Jahl, Abu Lahb, Khalid bin Walid…these were the famous people before Islam. People knew them, but information has not been saved. What saved is about Holy Prophet (asws)…