Nawasib live their lives for One purpose, and One purpose Only———Deception. And they can do anything to gain this purpose. Let us see how they tried this time.


Of course, This is for sure that There is a Narration in Saheeh Bukhari which mentions that SOMEONE was selling Alcohol, and it is present in Authentic Narrations that, THAT SOMEONE was a Sahabi. His Name is not present in Saheeh Bukhari, But other Narrations Mention that He was Samura.


Now, Humaydi mentions in His Musnad, 1/9, Narration 13
13 – حدثنا الحميدي ثنا سفيان ثنا عمرو بن دينار قال أخبرني طاوس سمع بن عباس يقول بلغ عمر بن الخطاب أن سمرة باع خمرا فقال قاتل الله سمرة ألم يعلم أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : لعن الله اليهود حرمت عليهم الشحوم فجملوها فباعوها


Huamidi >> Sufian >> Amro bin Deenar >> Taoos >> Ibn Abbas

Once ‘Umar was informed that Samura sold alcohol. ‘Umar said, “May Allah curse him! Doesn’t he know that Allah’s Apostle said, ‘May Allah curse the Jews, for Allah had forbidden them to eat the fat of animals but they melted it and sold it.”


The Narration is very much clear.


Now, Bukhari took this narration from Humaidi, in His Saheeh, 3/82, Narration 2223


حدثنا الحميدي حدثنا سفيان حدثنا عمرو بن دينار قال أخبرني طاوس أنه سمع ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما يقول بلغ عمر بن الخطاب أن فلانا باع خمرا فقال قاتل الله فلانا ألم يعلم أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال قاتل الله اليهود حرمت عليهم الشحوم فجملوها فباعوها


Huamidi >> Sufian >> Amro bin Deenar >> Taoos >> Ibn Abbas

 Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

Once ‘Umar was informed that a certain man sold alcohol. ‘Umar said, “May Allah curse him! Doesn’t he know that Allah’s Apostle said, ‘May Allah curse the Jews, for Allah had forbidden them to eat the fat of animals but they melted it and sold it.”


It can clearly be seen that Bukhari took Narration from Humaidi, who had clearly mentioned the name of Person, but it is absent in Saheeh Bukhari.


The case is pretty much simple for any one having basic IQ level.


What should Nawasib do in such a case in order to deceive people?

Its simple too———–confuse people by writing an article, twisting the story here and there


They wrote stories, one after another, sometimes mentioning one narrator, some times other


Though it was very simple thing…………..And that is the Claim which they made in the very start, should have been proven


They wrote


We reject the claim that Al-Bukhari hid the name of Samura due to some form of bias. Rather, this was the version that he heard from Al-Humaydi


If You read Whole article, You will accept my point that they did not given any Solid Proof for this claim. The only thing they could offer is


Similarly, we can also be sure that Al-Humaydi has narrated both versions too, since we find in Al-Sawma`ee’s narration from Al-Humaydi in Mustakhraj Abi `Awanah 3/106 that he refers to the person that sold the alcohol as “Fulan” (so and so), so he never specified.



We ask these Nasibis:


How can You be sure by Narration of Mohammad bin Abi Khalid Al-Sawamaee’s Narration?

Is He himself Trustworthy? We must remind them what Their Own Writer wrote on Their forum


1- Ibn Hibban is infamous for including unknown/anonymous narrators in his book of Thiqaat.


Now, If He is himself, not Trustworthy, How can His Narration be Trusted?

And If it cannot be trusted, How can You be SURE with it?

Is it because it suits YOUR DESIRES?


So, The point remains the same:-


Humaidi DID mention it in His Musnad

But Bukhari took the Narration from Humaidi, but Skipped The Name




