Sunni mullahs have for centuries fed their followers with the lie that Abubakr is the best of the Ummah, and the best of the caliphs. We have soundly exposed Abubakr’s kufr and hypocrisy in many articles. So, such a conclusion is utterly impossible. By contrast, we invite Sunnis to read this authentic hadith from their own source.

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in his Fath al-Bari 12/286 records:

وعند البزار من طريق الشعبي عن مسروق عن عائشة قالت ذكر رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم الخوارج فقال هم شرار أمتي يقتلهم خيار أمتي وسنده حسن وعند الطبراني من هذا الوجه مرفوعا هم شر الخلق والخليقة يقتلهم خير الخلق والخليقة

Al-Bazzar recorded through the route of al-Sha’bi from Masruq, from Aisha, who said:

Allah’s Apostle, peace be upon him, mentioned the Khawarij and said, “They are the worst of my Ummah, AND THEY WILL BE FOUGHT BY THE BEST OF MY UMMAH.

Its chain is hasan.

Al-Tabarani also recorded through the same route, that the Prophet also added, “The Khawarij are the worst of creation, AND THE CALIPH THAT WILL FIGHT THEM IS THE BEST OF CREATION AND THE BEST OF THE CALIPHS.”

Imam Ali (as) was the caliph that fought the Khawarij, and his Shi’a were the army that fought the Khawarij!