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Ibn-ul-Abideen Hanfi writes in His book, Rad-ul-Mokhtar ala Dur-ul-Mukhtar (رد المحتار على الدر المختار )

وأما سلمان الفارسي رضي الله تعالى عنه فهو وإن كان أفضل من أبي حنيفة من حيث الصحبة ، فلم يكن في العلم والاجتهاد ونشر الدين وتدوين أحكامه كأبي حنيفة

As regards to Salman Farsi, He was superior to Abu Hanifa in regards to Companionship, but not in regards to Knowledge, Ijtihad, propagation of religion and compilation of Orders.

Here is the Online LINK to this book.

Scans can be seen in research of Brother Ana Irani

Mahmood Ghazi writes in his Muhazirat Hadeeth, p. 70


Those Fuqaha who are of initial times, due to whom Fiqh got its shape, They were all Scholars of Hadeeth. Imam Malik was a Scholar of Hadeeth, Ahmad bin Hanbal was Scholar of Hadeeth, Imam Auzai was Scholar of Hadeeth. Imam Abu Ja’far Tibri was Scholar of Hadeeth, Sufian Thori and Sufian ibn Ainiyya were Scholars of Hadeeth. These all were those people due to whom different Sects of Fiqh originated. This is because they thought over Hadeeth with a view that which rulings can be deduced from it. Those who pondered on Hadeeth to find out rulings of Aqaid, like Hasan Basri and others like him, They formulated I’lm-ul-Kalam. And those who pondered over it to find rulings of Fiqh, they pioneered Fiqh


Where is Beloved of Hanafis——–Imam Azam Abu Hanifa in this discussion :p


In this article, We would like to mention views about Abu Hanifa. He is considered as Imam-e-A’zam in Pakistan and India, and followed by huge number of People

Purpose is not to hurt them, rather to present certain views which are not known to them.

I would be mentioning Arabic text of what I ll quote in footnotes, so as to save time for readers; and also, regarding Scholars whose opinions are being mentioned, I ll give introduction by Dhabi in footnotes. So if one needs to know what is the status of the person who is criticizing Abu Hanifa, He can always look at the footnotes Read the rest of this entry »

Let us refer to what is mentioned in al-Ma’rifat wa al Tareekh, by Yaqoob bin Sufian Safwi, 2/782

حَدَّثَنَا عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مُعَاذٍ حَدَّثَنِي مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ مُعَاذٍ قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ سَعِيدَ بْنَ مُسْلِمٍ قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِأَبِي يُوسُفَ: أَكَانَ أَبُو حَنِيفَةَ جَهْمِيًّا؟ قَالَ: نَعَمْ. قُلْتُ:
أَكَانَ مُرْجِئًا؟ قَالَ: نَعَمْ.

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One of the famous Scholars of Hanafi Sect, Abu Hasan Ubaidullah al Karkhi, says in his book, Usool al Karkhi [1]

الاصل: کل ایۃ تخالف قول اصحابنا فانھا تحمل علی النسخ او علی ترجیح و الاولی ان تحمل علی التاویل من جھۃ التوفیق

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We, Shias are criticised for prostrating on Turbah/sajda gah/ soil. But interestingly, we find that scholars of ahlusunnah, including their Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa, allowed prostrating on dirty things including urine. Let us see some references


Let us see What Tahawi wrote

في النجاسة موضع القدمين أو السجود
بشر بن الوليد عن أبي يوسف عن أبي حنيفة إذا كان في موضع قدميه بول أكثر من قدر الدرهم فصلاته فاسدة ولا تفسد عليه في موضع السجود .

الطحاوي الحنفي، ابوجعفر أحمد بن محمد بن سلامة (متوفاي321هـ)/ الجصاص، مختصر اختلاف العلماء، ج1، ص261، تحقيق: د. عبد الله نذير أحمد، ناشر: دار البشائر الإسلامية – بيروت، الطبعة: الثانية، 1417هـ

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Let us see opinion of Imam-e-Azam of Ahnaf, Abu Hanifa in this regard

Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal writes in his Al Sunnah

370 – حدثني محمد بن هارون نا أبو صالح قال سمعت الفزاري
371 – وحدثني إبراهيم بن سعيد نا أبو توبة عن أبي إسحاق الفزاري قال كان أبو حنيفة يقول إيمان إبليس وإيمان أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه واحد قال أبو بكر يا رب وقال إبليس يا رب // إسناده صحيح
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let us pay attention to another book, it is kitab us sunnah by abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal
and it takhreej has been done by mohammad bin saeed bin salim al qahtani

in kitab us sunnah, abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal, vol 1, page 211; we find

345- khazai said that i heard hamad bin salma cursing abu hanifa;; and abu salma said that sho’ba cursed abu hanifa

researcher of the book says


two imams of ahlusunnah, hamad bin salma and shoba bin hajaj cursed abu hanifa
and chain is sahih

what is this CURSING called by ahlusunnah?????

let us pay attention to another book, it is kitab us sunnah by abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal
and it takhreej has been done by mohammad bin saeed bin salim al qahtani

in kitab us sunnah, abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal, vol 1, page 207; we find

324- auzai said when he heard about death of abu hanifa “thanks to god, he destroyed pillars of islam one by one”

researcher of the books says

“sanad/chain is hasan/good”

let us pay attention to another book, it is kitab us sunnah by abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal
and it takhreej has been done by mohammad bin saeed bin salim al qahtani

in kitab us sunnah, abdullah bin ahmad bin hanbal, vol 1, page 119, we find

292- imam malik discussed abu hanifa in bad words, and then he said: he mocked at religion, and who mocks at religion, he has no religion

researcher of the book says:-

all narrators are thiqa

then we find

293- imam malik said about abu hanifa that his words took him out of religion; and he said: abu hanifa did not mock but relgion

researcher of the book says:-

all narrators are thiqa

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