Sheikh Albany writes in his Silsila Ahadeeth as Saheehiyya, 7/373

3135- (ذاك جبريلُ عليه السلامُ، وإنَّ منكم لرِجَالاً لو أنَّ أحدَهم يقسمُ على الله لأبرَّه)
أخرجه البزار في “مسنده ” (3/306- 307- الكشف) ، والطبراني في “المعجم الكبير” (12/11 – 12) و”الأوسط ” (1/153/1/2873) ، ومن طريقه: الضياء في “المختارة” (59/212/1- 2) ، والبيهقي في “دلائل النبوة” (7/76) من طرق عن محمد بن عبد الوهاب الحارثي: ثنا يعقوب القَمِّي عن جعفر بن أبي المغيرة عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس قال:
عاد رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – رجلاً من الأنصار، فلما دنا من منزله سمعه يتكلم في الداخل، فلما أستأذن عليه دخل عليه فلم ير أحداً، فقال له رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم -:
سمعتك تكلم غيرك؟ قال: يا رسول الله! لقد دخلت الداخل اغتماماً بكلام الناس مما بي من الحمى، فدخل علي داخل ما رأيت رجلاً قط بعدك أكرم مجلساً ولا أحسن حديثاً منه، قال … فذكره. وقال البزار- والطبراني- نحوه:
“لا يروى عن ابن عباس إلا بهذا الإسناد”.
قلت: وهو إسناد حسن

3135-{He was Jibraeel (a.s), If any of you Men take oath on Allah, He will Answer}

Narrated by Bazaar in His Musnad, and Tabarani in his al-Ma’ujam al-Kabeer and al-Au’sat, and with the chain: al-Dia in his al-Mukhtara and Behqi in Dalail-un-Nabuwut with chain to Ibn Abbas who said:

Holy Prophet (asws) met a man from Ansaar. When He (asws) reached his Home, He (asws) heard a voice. When He got permission and entered, He did not see anyone. So He (asws) asked: I heard You talking to someone? He said: O Prophet (asws)! When I entered home in sad state, due to what people spoke of my illness, I SAW a person I had never seen before with Honourable and Good in Speaking than You……….It has been mentioned by Bazaar and Tabarani like him. No one narrated from Ibn Abbas except with this chain. 

I say: This chain is Hasan

Keep in mind that the last part of the narration, has been mentioned in the start by Albany, i.e, Holy Prophet (asws) replied upon hearing his answer that It was Jibraeel (a.s)