Let us see a narration from Tafsir Tibri, 7/327

8098- حدثنا أبو هشام الرفاعي قال، حدثنا أبو بكر بن عياش قال، حدثنا عاصم بن كليب، عن أبيه قال: خطب عمر يوم الجمعة فقرأ”آل عمران”، وكان يعجبه إذا خطب أن يقرأها، فلما انتهى إلى قوله:”إنّ الذين تولوا منكم يوم التقى الجمعان”، قال: لما كان يوم أحد هزمناهم، ففررتُ حتى صعدت الجبل، فلقد رأيتني أنزو كأنني أرْوَى، (5) والناس يقولون:”قُتل محمد”! فقلت: لا أجد أحدًا يقول:”قتل محمد”، إلا قتلته!. حتى اجتمعنا على الجبل، فنزلت:”إن الذين تولوا منكم يوم التقى الجمعان”، الآية كلها.

Kulaib narrated that Umar gave a sermon on Friday, and recited Surah Aal-e-Imran, and praised it. When He reached this verse, He said: When we were defeated on day of Uhud, we ran till we climbed mountain, I saw myself climbing like a goat. And people were saying that Mohammad had been killed. I said: I should not find anyone saying this, else I will kill him. Finally we collected on mountain, and then this verse was revealed. 

Researcher of the book, Sheikh Ahmad Shakir, gives detail about Narrators, and says

(6) الأثر: 8098-“أبو هشام الرفاعي” هو”محمد بن يزيد بن محمد بن كثير”، مضى في رقم: 3286، 4557، 4888، وغيرها. و”أبو بكر بن عياش بن سالم الأسدي الكوفي الحناط”، قيل اسمه”محمد”، وقيل: “عبد الله” وقيل وقيل، ولكن الحافظ قال: “والصحيح أن اسمه كنيته، كان حافظًا متقنًا، ولكنه لما كبر ساء حفظه، فكان يهم إذا روى، والخطأ والوهم شيئان لا ينفك عنهما البشر، كما قال ابن حبان”. مترجم في التهذيب.
و”عاصم بن كليب بن شهاب المجنون الجرمي”، روى عن أبيه، وأبي بردة بن أبي موسى، ومحمد بن كب القرظي، وغيرهم. روى عنه ابن عون وشعبة وشريك والسفيانان وغيرهم. قال أحمد: “لا بأس بحديثه”، وقال النسائي وابن معين: “ثقة”. وكان من العباد، ولم يكن كثير الحديث. مترجم في التهذيب.
وأبوه: “كليب بن شهاب بن المجنون الجرمي”، روى عن أبيه، وعن خاله الفلتان بن عاصم، وعمر، وعلي، وسعد، وأبي ذر، وأبي موسى، وأبي هريرة وغيرهم. قال ابن سعد: “كان ثقة، ورأيتهم يستحسنون حديثه ويحتجون به”. مترجم في التهذيب.

Abu Hasham is Mohammad bin Yazid bin Mohammad bin Kathir, as mentioned previously in Narrations 3286, 4557, 4888. 

And Abu Bakr bin Ayash, it is said that His name is Mohammad, or Abdullah etc. But Ibn Hajr said that correct version is that His name is His kuniyat. He was Hafiz and Mutaqqan (Means Trustworthy Narrator) But when He got old, He got old, His memory weakened. And He erred when he narrated….

And Asim bin Kulaib…..Ahmad bin Hanbal said that there is nothing wrong with His Narrations. And Nisai and Ibn Ma’een said he is trustworthy. He did not narrate many Narrations

And His father, Kulaib, He narrated from Umar, Ali, Saad, Abu Dhar, Abu Huraira etc. Ibn Saad said that He is trustworthy, and His narrations are good, and people use it as evidence. 

So, We find that He has not given final verdict on narration mainly due to Abu Hasham and Abu Bakr bin Ayash.

Interestingly, Abu Hasham is Narrator of Saheeh Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja.

He is Narrator of Saheeh Ibn Khuzaima (4/71, Narration 2373).

I’jli included Him in His al-Thiqaat {Trustworthy Narrators}  p. 416 Narrator 1517.

Also Ibn Hibban included Him in al-Thiqaat, 9/109.

Dhabi included him in His book, Mun Tukallam fih wa Hoa Mauthiq, {Those who have been criticized but are Trustworthy}, p. 172, Narrator 321.

Imam Abu Bakr Barqani termed Him Trustworthy and mentioned that Abu-ul-Hasan Darqutni ordered him to write His Narrations in Saheeh/Authentic. (Mausu’at Aqwal Abu-ul-Hasan Darqutni fi Rijal-ul-Hadeeth wa I’llalaho, 2/637 & Sair A’laam Nabala, 12/155)

Tirmidhi mentions His Narration in His Sunan, 4/360, Narration 1998; and terms the Narration as Hasan Saheeh. Sheikh Albany termed it Saheeh too. 

 Regarding of his Narrations in Ibn Maja, 1/456, Narration 1420, We find Fawad Abdul Baqi saying

[تعليق محمد فؤاد عبد الباقي]
في الزوائد إسناد حديث أبي هريرة قوي. احتج مسلم بجميع رواته.

In Zawaid, Chain of This Narration is Strong, and Muslim has used all of its Narrators in His Saheeh

Same narration has been termed as Saheeh by Albani as well

Pakistani Salafi Scholar, Zubair Ali Zai also termed This chain Hasan/Good in His research upon Sunan Ibn Maja, urdu version, 2/411

Boseri mentions his Narration in Misbah-uz-Zujaja fi Zawaid Ibn Maja, 2/17; and gives the verdict

هَذَا إِسْنَاد صَحِيح احْتج مُسلم بِجَمِيعِ رُوَاته

This chain is Authentic and Imam Muslim has used all of its Narrators

Sheikh Hussein Salim Asad termed His Narrations as Hasan/Good in His research upon Musnad Abu Ya’la. For example, Narration 482, Vol 1, page 375; Narration 536 Vol 1, page 408 etc.

Imam Hakim included His Narrations in Mustadrak, 1/337, Narration 786; and termed the narration Authentic on terms set by Sheikhain. Dhabi agreed to His opinion. Also, He included His Narration in Mustadrak, 2/326, Narration 3169; and Dhabi said Narration is authentic on terms of Bukhari and Muslim

As regards to Abu Bakr ibn Ayash, there is some criticism on him too, though he is also Narrator of Saheeh Bukhari and others. But overall, He has been termed Sudooq/Truthful & Hasan-ul-Hadeeth/Good in Hadeeth by Bashar Awad Ma’roof and Sheikh Shoaib in Tehreer Taqreeb-ut-Tehzeeb, 4/160