This is another authentic narration about Hadith-e-Tair

(أخبرنا أبو غالب البنا ، أنا أبو الحسين بن الآبنوسي ، أنا أبو الحسن الدار قطني ، نا محمد بن مخلد بن حفص ، نا حاتم بن الليث ، نا عبيد الله بن موسى ، عن عيسى بن عمر القارىء ، عن السدي ، نا أنس بن مالك ، قال : أهدي إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أطيار فقسمها وترك طيرا ، فقال : اللهم ائتني بأحب خلقك إليك يأكل معي من هذا الطير ، فجاء علي بن أبي طالب فدخل يأكل معه من ذلك الطير )

Source: Tareekhe Damishq By Ibne Asakir, Vol no 42, pg no 254.

Coming to Rijal analysis of this Hadith:

Abu Ghalib Al Bana: His full name is Ahmad ibne Hasan Ibne Ahmad Ibne Abdullah Al Baghdadi Al Hanbali.

Dhabbi said him as Suleh and thiqa i.e. trustworthy.

Source: Seer A’alum Wul Nubla, Vol no 19, pg no 603.

Hafidh Abu Bakar Muhammad ibne Abdul Ghani Al Baghdadi also said him thiqa i.e. trustworty.

Source: AL Tanqeed, Vol no 1 , pg no 35.

Abul Hussain ibne Al Banusi: His full name is Muhammad ibne Ahmad ibne Muhammad ibne Ali ibne Al banusi Al Baghdadi.

Dhabbi said him thiqa i.e. trustworthy.

Source:Seer A’alum Wul Nubla, Vol no 18, pg no 85.

Khateeb Al Baghdadi wrote that he heard from Abul hasan Darul Qutni, Hababa, Abul hafs Al Kanati, Mukhlis, Abul Hasan ibne Najaar Al Kufi and Ahmad ibne Ubaid Al Wasti, I(Khateeb) copied(narrated) from him and his Sama’h(hearing) is established.

Source: Tareekh Ul Baghdad, Vol no 1, pg no 356-357.

Abul Hasan Darul Qutni: He is a famous scholar of Ahle Sunnat who has written “Sunan” and a great scholar in terms of Elme Rijal too. Scholars have relied upon him.

Muhammad ibne Mukhlid bin Al Hafs:

Dhabbi said him Imam-ul-Mufeed and trustworthy.

Source: Tadhkirah ul Huffadh, Vol no 3, pg no 828.

Hathim ibne Lyth:

Dhabbi said him Hafidh and trustworthy.

Source: Seer A’alum Wul Nubla, Vol no 19, pg no 519.

Ibne Abi Ya’ala has said him thiqa-o-thabit Mutafiqun i.e. his trustworthiness is established as a consensus.

Source: Tabqatul Hanbliya, Vol no 1, pg no 148.

Ibne Habban said him thiqa.

Source: Althiqqat, Vol no 8, pg no 211.

Khateeb Al Baghdadi said him thiqa-o-thabit Mutafiqun Hafidhun i.e. his trustworthiness is established as a consensus and was Hafidh too.

Source: Tareekhul Baghdad, Vol no 8, pg no 245.

Ubaidullah ibne Musa:

Bukhari and Muslim have narrated from him therefore he is a narrator of Sahiyan.

Dhabbi, Ibne Hajr, Al ujli, Ibne Habban have said him thiqa i.e. trustworthy.

Essa ibne Umar Al Qari:

Nisaie, ibne Mueen, Khateeb Al Baghdadi, Al Ujli, Ibne habban, Ibne Khalfun, Ibne Hajr said him thiqa.

Abu Bakar Al Bazzar said that there is nothing bad in him.

Abu hatim said there is nothing bad in his Hadiths(narrated by him).

Suddi: His Name is Ismael ibne Abdur rehman:

Muslim narrated from him in Sahih Muslim.

Ibne habban, Ahmad ibne hanbal and Ujli have said him thiqa.

Nisaie said him Suleh.

Mirrata said there is nothing bad in him.

Ibne Adee have said him Mustaqeem ul Hadees, truthful and nothing bad in him.

Shuabi, Sufyan thuri and Ibne Qattan have also said him thiqa too.

Anas: A Sahabi