We find Abdur Raziq bin Hamam writing his Musanif

عبد الرزاق عن ابن جريج قال : أخبرني أبو الزبير قال : سمعت جابر بن عبد الله ———يقول 

وقال أبو الزبير : وسمعت جابر بن عبد الله يقول : استمتع معاوية ابن أبي سفيان مقدمه من الطائف على ثقيف ، بمولاة ابن الحضرمي يقال لها معانة ، قال جابر : ثم أدركت معانة خلافة معاوية حية ، فكان معاوية يرسل إليها بجائزة في كل عام حتى ماتت 

(Abdur Razaq from ibn Juraij who narrated from Abu Zubair) and Abu Zubair said that I heard Jabir bin Abdullah saying that Mawia did muta’a in Taif with slave girl of Ibn ul Hadrami, and she was called Mu’ana; and Jabir said that she lived till era of Mawia, and he would send her gifts every year till she died”

[Musanif Abdur Razaq bin Hamam, vol 7, page 499]

NOTE:- the part which i mentioned in sanad in brackets, it is from the previous narration, abdur raziq did not repeat it, and started from abu zubair, so i placed it in brackets


1- Abdur Razaq bin Hamam

Ibn Hajar talks of him in his book Taqreeb ut Tehzeeb

4064- عبد الرزاق ابن همام ابن نافع الحميري مولاهم أبو بكر الصنعاني ثقة حافظ مصنف شهير

he is thiqa, hafiz, famous writer

he is the narrator number 611 in his tehzeeb, he is a narrator of all six books of sihah-e-sitta

2- Ibn Juraij

Dhabi introduced him in the following words in his book Sair ul A’alam

ابن جريج ( ع ) عبد الملك بن عبد العزيز بن جريج الإمام العلامة الحافظ شيخ الحرم

imam, allama, hafiz, sheikh of haram

ibn Hajar writes in his book Taqreeb ut Tehzeeb

4193- عبد الملك ابن عبد العزيز ابن جريج الأموي مولاهم المكي ثقة فقيه فاضل

thiqa, faqih

though ibn hajar charged him with tadless, however, this narration does not come to us in mo’anan fashion, so it is of no harm to this chain

3- Abu Zubair

his name is mohammad bin muslim

ibn hajar writes in his book taqreeb ut tehzeeb

6291- محمد ابن مسلم ابن تدرس بفتح المثناة وسكون الدال المهملة وضم الراء الأسدي مولاهم أبو الزبير المكي صدوق إلا أنه يدلس

he is sudooq, though he charged him with tadless, however, he clarified in this narration that he had heard jabir bin abdullah; so this does not count

plus, ibn hajar explained in his book tehzeeb ut tehzeebn, narrator 729

[729] ع الستة محمد بن مسلم بن تدرس الأسدي مولاهم أبو الزبير المكي روى عن العبادلة الأربعة وعن عائشة وجابر

so, he is narrator of all six books of sihah-e-sitta, and he took narrations from jabir

so, the chain has all thiqa narrators, and is connected; inshallah

this fact comes to us from another narration as well, as mentioned by abdur raziq, in his book vol 7, page 496-497
that mawia did muta’a in taif with that girl


and ibn hajar termed that chain “sahih” in his book “fath ul bari, vol 11, page 428, book of nikah, chapter 31”

[please note that all the references mentioned in this post are links to the scans from these references]